Mariah Carey Wiki

Clarissa Dane Hughes (born May 23)[1] is an American singer, performance vocal confidence coach and photographer.[2] She is also Mariah's friend and a member of the band Chick.

Relationship with Mariah[]

Clarissa met Mariah through her brother Morgan when she worked at Studio 54. While Mariah lived in New York, they unexpectedly saw each other in the city at a Chinese restaurant. Mariah then talked with Clarissa about her living situation and Clarissa proceeded to invite Mariah to live with her and other roommates. Mariah would then move in with Clarissa who lived with a Gay-couple and two others in a huge classic Upper West Side brownstone on Eighty fifth Street.


  • Clarissa's love for photography goes back to her first models (Mariah & her brother).[3]
  • She was a bridesmaid at Mariah's wedding
  • Clarissa is a co-writer of the unreleased song Fade Away.

External links[]


  1. Clarissa Dane via Twitter 5/12/19 - retrieved 10/12/20
  2. Clarissa Dane Music via Facebook - retrieved 10/3/20
  3. Clarissa Dane on Twitter 10/11/20 - retrieved 10/12/20